
Speaker: Heather Mason

Heather Mason is a former federal prisoner and for the past 5 years, she has been advocating for criminalized women on a variety of prison issues, including segregation, strip-searching, conditions of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the issue of prisoners transferring from male prisons to women’s prisons. Her advocacy on this latter issue connected […]

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Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Jordan B. Peterson, Michael Yon, and Eva Vlaardingerbroek discuss recent events encircling the Dutch farmers protest, how their anti-globalist movement mirrors the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and how their message has resonated across the world despite best efforts to silence their voices. At age 19, Michael Yon completed Green Beret training. His Green Beret experience taught

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Health & Democracy: Expert Hearing in the EU Parliament – Part 1/3

Along with her colleagues in the EU, Christine Anderson is making it her business to get answers and hold those responsible accountable. Recently she was part of an expert hearing in the EU parliament about the benefits and risks of the “WHO”s Pandemic Treaty, a new proposed global health agreement that gives the WHO (an

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Popular Sovereignty vs the W.H.O

November 9, 2023 –  With European Member of Parliament from Germany, Christine Anderson, Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, and Women’s Rights Leader Reggie Littlejohn. We are honored to host three exceptional leaders in the Health Freedom Movement, each making significant strides against the Globalist Health Cabal that led us into the Covid crisis. Christine Anderson, a dedicated

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Special Guest – Tanya Gaw – Vancouver

Tanya Gaw is a committed Christian and defender of faith, family, and freedom. Tanya is the founder of Action4Canada which is a grassroots, not for profit organization committed to upholding the Canadian constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Tanya began her journey in 2015 in response to the government passing legislation that severely

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