Special Guest: Pastor Henry Hildebrandt – Ottawa

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt has been preaching the Gospel since 1991. For decades he has served a growing flock in the little town of Aylmer, Ontario. He was thrust into the national spotlight when he refused to allow the government to declare gathering for worship and the church as non-essential after the onset of the plandemic. He believes that during a global crisis it is more important than ever to offer people hope and a refuge from a troubled world.
Particularly concerning to him now is the concerted attack on our children by the current governments, school boards, teachers unions, and media organizations. If we lose the battle for our children, we have lost the battle for our future and our nation. The time to stand is right now, united, shoulder to shoulder under God, to defend the most vulnerable in our communities. Our governments are largely corrupted by special elitist interests and the truth must be spoken clearly and boldly before it’s too late.

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