Special Guest: Patrick Allard – Winnipeg

Patrick Allard

Patrick broke into the public spotlight in May 2020 when Covid-19 lockdowns threatened his province of Manitoba and all of Canada. Organizing and speaking at countless protests, Patrick became one of the main freedom advocates in Manitoba.

For his efforts, he became Manitoba’s most ticketed individual and was arrested twice; once for continuing to protest with 4 other Manitobans during provincial lockdown orders, and the second arrest was for a simple Facebook post! Patrick is currently involved in charter motions before the King’s bench regarding these infractions, as well as a defamation lawsuit against the Manitoba NDP for a defamatory press release which labelled him a racist.

Seeing that the political landscape needs changing, Patrick has ran in three elections, by-election for MLA to replace the tyrant Brian Pallister who stepped down early 2022, as a way to learn the political system in Manitoba.

He also ran an aggressive “anti-woke” campaign for school board trustee in Manitoba’s largest school
division, and finished third with twenty percent of the vote, showing that there is indeed a want for change. He recently just wrapped up a run for MLA as an independent in his lifelong home riding of St. Johns against the incumbent NDP MLA and finished 2nd, beating out the Liberals and the PCs, showing once again there’s a major want for change!

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