Event Speaker: Linda Blade


Linda Blade (@CoachBlade on Twitter) is a former Canadian Champion (1986) and a full-scholarship NCAA All American (1984) in Track and Field (heptathlon) out of the University of Maryland. Now licensed as a Chartered Professional Coach with a PhD in Kinesiology (1994), Linda has worked for over 30 years a “Sport Performance Professional” training hundreds of athletes in seven countries, from 5- to 70 years of age, beginner to elite, in over 15 different sports. Linda’s expertise has included the development of national sports skills programs for school children, traveling to Islamic countries on behalf of World Athletics to teach women how to coach the girls and serving in leadership as president of Athletics Alberta (2014-2023), where she developed sex-based eligibility guidelines.

Since 2018, Linda has been advocating for safety and fairness for female athletes by every means possible: social media, podcasts, radio shows, op-eds, articles, and political party engagement.

Her most notable achievements in this regard are:

  •  Collaborating with Canadian journalist Barbara Kay (2021) in writing the book: UNSPORTING: How Trans activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport.
  • Establishing the International Consortium on Female Sport (ICFS) in 2023 – the umbrella group of organizations from 10 countries that serves as “the female voice” advocating for a female-only category in every sport.
  • Successfully convincing the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) to pass a policy resolution
    recognizing sex-based rights for women (September 2023).
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