Andrew Lawton Featuring Christine Anderson

German MEP Christine Anderson has made a name for herself in Canada from her outspoken support of the Freedom Convoy and opposition to Justin Trudeau. This month, she’s touring Canada and meeting with politicians, though she says the real motivation for the trip is to meet with some of the “bravest people in the world” — the supporters of the Freedom Convoy. In this edition of The Andrew Lawton Show, Andrew talks to Christine about the freedom movement, European and Canadian politics, and why she’s taking a stand.


Andrew Lawton Show

Andrew Lawton Show


Source: TNC website

1 thought on “Andrew Lawton Featuring Christine Anderson”

  1. I moved back to canada from US about 5 years ago, having grown up in Canada. Im appalled at how no one is fighting back, no picket signs, no rally’s , nothing but talk. I can’t fight because I am applying for citizenship. But it sickens me what these dictators Biden and Trump have done to our nations. Klaus Scwab is only missing the Swastika on his arm! Tell me how I can help fight back!!! PLEASE!

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